Monday, April 20, 2009

Why now? Why this? Revisted....

I have been visiting a blog by a woman who has lost over 130 lbs. She is an opera singer... and said in a recent post that part of why she wants to keep her weight off is that she is taken more seriously as a performer when she is fit and healthy.

For me, that rings true. I am not a performer yet, but hope that someday I will be playing my djembe in public. And when that day comes, I will feel a lot better if the focus is on my music and not my body.

I can think of dozens and dozens of reasons why I want to be a healthy size. Maybe I am going to make a list and put them in a jar so when things get tough, and they will, I can pull them out to inspire me.

And, just a brief check-in about the food plan I am on. I am doing Weight Watchers and am really really loving it. What a great program! It is brilliantly designed to encourage you to make healthy food choices... and they really feel like choices, not deprivation. Today I was hungry and was considering buying a protein bar. When I realized how high in points they were, I decided to wait the few minutes until I could get home and make a snack of vegetarian refried beans, pico de gallo and low fat cheddar. The same 3 points and a LOT more filling.

So far I have shed about 7 lbs. Slow and steady wins the race, I say.

And thanks to everyone who is keeping me in their prayers. I think it is working!

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