Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Green LOVE

It has been several weeks since starting this new way of eating/living/cooking and I have to say, it is getting easier and I am really loving everything about it.  I feel great.

I have started to enjoy smoothies several times a week.  I have been making them with protein powder and unsweetened almond milk, fruits, greens, whatever.  They definitely keep me satisfied for the morning (or evening) and are just the thing.  I am banging them out in a 23 year old Osterizer that Nguyen and I got for our wedding.  It is butt ugly, but works just fine.  I have, however, ordered an upgraded blade to help crush the ice better.

The things I thought were going to be a challenge with this way of eating have proved to be easy.   I was worried, for example, about cravings.  Nope.  None so far.  Nada.  I was worried about giving up grains, breads, beans, etc.  Hasn't been difficult.  And the truth is, I am living in moderation ville.  If, for example, I go to your house for dinner and you are serving lasagna, I will load up on the salad, have a small bit of lasagna and enjoy every bite.  I am not going to whine about my 'diet'... just eat and enjoy.

For weight loss, it is pretty slow.  I am up a couple pounds from water weight gain today, but so far have lost somewhere in the 12 lb. range.  In a day or so I will get a more accurate read.

So, why has this been so easy?  I can't really say.  I think part of it is DEFINITELY physical.  The reality is that sugar and carbs are incredibly addictive and by eliminating them from my diet, I have eliminated the source of cravings.  I have also, pretty quickly, retrained my taste buds, so now even the tiniest bit of sweetness is very pronounced for me.  I can taste it in sauces, for example, when before I wouldn't have noticed.  My palate is getting used to other tastes.  Bitter, for example, is a big star for me these days.  I love bitter greens, bitter coffee, bitter tea.  I have also developed a fondness for sour.  Mix those together and we are really talking.  (Kale with red wine vinegar anyone?)

I think part of this has been easy for emotional and spiritual reasons too.  On some level, I was just, well, ready, to stop being out of control and miserable.  I have wanted to be at peace around food for so long, but couldn't get there when I was in the grip of addictive obsessive eating.  I guess I had to hit a sort of bottom before finally realizing that I needed to change.

So, what are my fears?  Oh, boy.  I have been in this place before and fallen off the wagon with a crash.  My biggest fear is that I won't be able to sustain this healthy lifestyle.  That something will throw me off kilter and I'll pick up the pint of Ben & Jerry's and be off to the races again.  It really scares me.

But something feels different this time.  I am not sure what.  I wonder if God has finally broken through my steadfast resistance and begun a healing work in my heart.  I would like to officially thank Him if that is true.  Lord, please let me stay open to the leadings of the Holy Spirit.  I pray that I will never want to hurt myself with food.  I can't predict the future... but for today, I am so happy and grateful.

Hmmm.  Time for a smoothie?

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