It has been ages since I started this blog. I'd say I am about 30 lbs. heavier and three years wiser. The issue of overeating has continued to be a struggle.
A little over three years ago, I was still on weight watchers trying to limit portion sizes, weighing my food, eating junk in smaller doses. In the last three years I have been to Africa twice, have taken on an incredibly demanding job as the director of a Christian ministry, have tried to take a more spiritual approach to food and mostly have failed.
So, I am back here because I feel it is helpful for me to keep a journal of sorts. I may even choose to publish the posts... or might just let them live in anonymity of my blogger account. Either way, though, I want to keep track.
About 2 or 3 weeks ago, I gave up sugar. Unlike times in the past, I didn't experience withdrawal symptoms. I am so heavily addicted to sugar it is necessary for me to purge it from my diet completely for awhile. Clean up. Clear out.
My body feels like crap. I am at the highest weight I have ever been and I can feel what a drain it is. My knees hurt. My back hurts. I have been seeing a chiropractor weekly for adjustments because I have a weird crick in my neck that won't go away. My lower back is constantly in pain and there is major inflammation everywhere. I am actually bruising every time the Chiropractor touches me. It is crazy.
He was the one that suggested an anti-inflammation diet. I started to do a little research and realized that it was going to require a major change in the way I eat. No grains. Lots of vegetables. No artificial crap. Some supplements to help my system, especially fish oil. No sugar. No high fructose corn syrup. No more diet anything.
The book he recommended is Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution that explains how to trick the very same genes that cause us to be fat. (There is CLEARLY a genetic component to my physique... but apparently there is for everyone that struggles with weight...) And while he is extreme in the sense that he wants us to end up basically raw dieting it, I think much of what he says makes sense.
Which isn't to say his diet is the panacea. For me, there are so many deeper issues that I simply can't ignore. I have a lot of fear around the whole body image thing. I have also been working through a book by Dr. Frank Smoot which is a Christian approach to dealing with weight issues. The constant refrain is that the world is NOT going to provide the answer to my weight issues. Only a complete change in my mind can do it.... a change that means turning to God for strength and courage and healing.
So, while I am giving the anti-inflammatory program a shot to heal the physical wreckage, I know full well that without the spiritual work, I won't ever get anywhere. I am, after all, compulsively addicted to food.
That is my little intro. Let me begin this phase of my journey by describing the last couple of weeks.
It started with giving up sugar and artificial sweetners. I have been drinking tons of iced, unsweetened tea. I am noticing that my taste buds have adapted almost immediately and am enjoying the bitterness of plain tea and coffee. In fact, I have been drawn to bitter vegetables, too, including broccoli rabe and rainbow chard.
After about a week without sugar, I gave up nearly all grains. The only exception is sprouted grain bread... and that has been reduced to a slice a day or less.
I have been eating TONS of vegetables and some meats. Lots of fruit (which isn't part of Gundry's plan at this stage, but is working for me.) The only dairy I am still eating is half and half in my coffee, yogurt and soft cheeses like feta, cottage, etc. All of that is supposed to be fine for the anti-inflammation program. I am eating lots of raw nuts, olive oil, eggs. That is basically it.
The adjustment is mostly around the shopping. I need a huge amount of fresh veggies and fruit, which means that I am in the grocery store more frequently. And yes, it is true, eating this kind of diet does cost a lot. But it is so much less of a cost, in the long run, than feeling like crap.
How do I feel? So far so great. I didn't have 'detox' symptoms... which according to Gundry are actually 'tox' symptoms. I have a better energy level and have lost about 7 lbs. so far. I just sailed through my menstrual period without gaining any weight and felt much less bloated overall. It is amazing what an impact even a small loss can have.
I have been hungry at times, but I am trying not to panic when it happens. I just eat a few nuts and drink some more water or tea. It turns out fasting is actually good for you. (Should it be a surprise? People of faith have been fasting for millennia.)
This is not really going to be one of those ''I am going to lose 100 lbs. and document it online'''blogs. More like ''I want to learn, over the long haul, to live a healthier life."
If you are so inclined, you are welcome to come along for the ride.
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